Eyes Linger, Mind Follows / Les yeux s’attardent, l’esprit suit
Eyes Linger, Mind Follows / Les yeux s’attardent, l’esprit suit
Istanbul Painters Club presents

Eyes Linger, Mind Follows

28 Mar - 06 Apr, 2025

Burhan Kum Burhan Kum
Sema Maşkılı Sema Maşkılı
Djochkoun Sami Djochkoun Sami
Şevket Sönmez Şevket Sönmez
Aslı Torcu Aslı Torcu

52 rue Piat, Belleville
75020 Paris
M° Belleville ou Pyrénées

Friday 28 Mar, 6-9pm

Opening times
Monday-Sunday from 2pm to 7pm

Between seeing and understanding lies a critical pause—a fleeting but vital moment where the eye lingers, and the mind begins to shape what it perceives. "Eyes Linger, Mind Follows" explores this transformative space, where vision and thought converge and begin to take form through an accumulation of marks and gestures while a painterly process builds and acquires a physical presence.

Each of the participating artists engages with this act of looking—how attention settles, how perception evolves, and how meaning unfolds through the medium of painting. Deliberately working with various forms of painterly expression, their common denominator is negotiating painting as a visual language.

Embracing the principle of “Nullius in verba”, these artists reject being confined by dichotomies of tendencies and the shifting waves of temporary fashions in the art world. Instead, they navigate through those tendencies in their own ways, and now -by acting together- they turn the spotlight on their own terms. Rejecting to chase trends, the exhibition seeks a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the processes of looking, constructing meaning, and self-expression.

Joseph Brodsky once suggested that beauty is not just seen but absorbed, leaving an imprint on the mind long after the gaze has shifted away. "Eyes Linger, Mind Follows" embodies this idea, considering what we see, understand, commodify and even iconize takes shape over time.

About us

Istanbul Painters Club is an independent artist collective founded by like-minded colleagues. Our mission is to bring together artists with a proven ability to follow their path and vocation. By organising exhibitions, talks, studio visits and supporting events, we aim to present our members and their works to art professionals, collectors, and the general public.

Based in Istanbul and maintaining a strong presence across Europe, we collaborate with our network of active artists to engage audiences who are passionate about contemporary painting and its evolving challenges.


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